1. External software
figlet and the XMMS2 bindings for Python are needed. If you’re not using the deb file make sure that figlet is installed in your $PATH. For information how to install the Python XMMS2 bindings check the XMMS2 packages for your distribution or the documentation that comes with the XMMS2 source.
Due to API changes in the XMMS2 bindings version 0.3 of kuechenstation requires XMMS2 version DrLecter or newer. Version 0.3-2 is developed with DrMattDestruction.
If you have the python feedparser module installed, you can use kuechenstation to listen to podcasts.
(Thanks to Javier Rojas for the hint that the Python XMMS2 bindings should be mentioned.)
2. Getting the code
To get the source of the latest release, visit the download page and download the tar.gz or deb file.
To get the latest developement version you can check out the SVN:
$ svn checkout http://kuechenstation.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/kuechenstation/trunk/kuechenstation
This will create a directory kuechenstation/. To update your local working copy use:
$ svn update
in the directory kuechenstation/.
I’m running the developement version all the time, so it’s pretty sure that it’s working most of the time.
3. Installing
kuechenstation can be installed in 4 different ways:
from pre-built deb package
from source with distutils
from source with a deb package
by hand (quick and dirty)
3.1. Pre-built deb package
If you’re on a Debian system you can just take the deb-file and install it with dpkg after you’ve fulfilled the dependencies:
$ sudo dpkg --install path/to/package.deb
3.2. Distutils
kuechenstation uses standard python distutils so basically
$ ./setup.py install
should do the trick. Depending on your configuration root privileges might be necessary to do the above. Type
$ ./setup.py --help
and visit the distutils' documentation at http://docs.python.org/inst/inst.html . If you checked out the SVN version you might be interested in the develop install scheme of distutils.
3.3. Self-made deb package
To create a deb yourself you can use dpkg-buildpackage: In the directory were the …/debian subdirectory resides do the following:
$ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc -b
This will create deb file in the parent directory.
3.4. By hand
Quick and dirty: copy or link the kst/ subdirectory to a directory in your $PYTHONPATH and the kuechenstion executable to a directory in your $PATH and it should work.